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  • My first Travels as Export Manager (Part 1)

    As I stated in my previous post, “How I started in Export before starting with Eme“, this page will describe my adventures in countries that I had never dreamed to visit.

    Saudi Arabia

    The first Country that I visited as export manager was Saudi Arabia.
    In the 1980’s it was totally forbidden to take any photographs of the Country. But I being a young chap, said who cares, and took a photo with every chance that I had.

    In those days it was not Riyadh the city of major importance. but Jeddah. I will always remember arriving at the old Jeddah airport, and the cabin doors opening with a gush of hot air and humidity. It was so intense for a city boy from London that it took my breath away.


    Saudi was then a teetotaller’s paradise, and the number of people going through Customs with double vision was incredible. Being one that has never enjoyed going over the top on a plane, kept relatively sober having had just a couple of glasses of wine with my dinner.

    Customs clearance took ages! They went through the luggage of all non-Saudi residents; looking for any book, photo, or manuscript that was forbidden. Such as The Bible, magazines like Playboy, and literally anything that they might consider to be of disrepute.

    Hotel – The Sheraton

    Through the crowds of people, I made my way, and at the taxi rank made my way to my hotel, The Sheraton.
    I cannot remember much about the Hotel, but three characterises, for some reason are embedded in my memory.
    The First: We were advised to leave our passport and traveller cheques in the hotel safe.
    The Second. The swimming pool could only be used on alternate days. One day for men, the other for women.
    The Third. Being a Country where alcohol was totally forbidden, I couldn’t help but smile at the Saudi’s drinking at the bar what seemed to be a Champagne bottle. To this day, I still do not know what they were drinking.

  • How I started in Export before starting with Eme

    My studies brought me into the realm of Electrical Engineering and Lighting Engineering, but in the 1970’s the possibility of finding a job were as remote as they are today. Therefore, I had two possibilities. Twiddle my thumbs at home, or go abroad and try to pick up some language. I chose the later.

    I traveled through France, Switzerland and Italy. Doing any jobs that I could find.

    I can remember never have much money, but I can also remember never being hungry.


    My luck changed when I arrived at Vicenza (a beautiful city, and a beautiful province). I got my first real job working for a company called “Sivi Illuminazione”. My job was multiple, draughtsman, lighting engineer, and later designer in which I designed an office lighting fitting of great success.

    Being used to a lively life when I was a handy man of all trade, master of none, and travelling through Europe, I soon got quite bored with my position. Working for a very large company in Italy, was then and probably still is, boring with very little chance of advancement. Thank God there was a coffee machine.


    After a year I moved to Milano, and was hired by a company called Pollice Illuminazione as export manager. Knowing nothing about export cost me a small fortune in books. But I was very lucky. The owner Dott.Cesare Pollice, and the General Manager (ex-Unilever) were full of encouragement, and both are in my top list of Italians that I have had a pleasure to meet.

    I remember one story. As explained, this was my first job as export manager, and there was a family member of the owner that was doing his best not to help me settle in. I received a call from Dott. Pollice to go to his office. I thought this is it. I am going to get the sack.

    Entering his office, he kindly asked me to take a seat. He then surprised me by asking me if I would like a whisky! I said yes please! He looked at me for a while and I waited while sipping by whisky. John, he said. I have some bad news for you (here it comes). I wanted to make you export director for the company, but instead I have to choose my nephew (my first experience of nepotism), and when he comes back from his course, he will be your manager. My heart plummeted, and I took another big sip of my whisky.

    It must did not workout. He was an idiot, and certainly not a gentleman.

    My next post will be about the Countries that I visited, and the experiences that I had.

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